Tuesday 13 May 2014

Reah Goes to India: A Slightly Unexpected Journey

So I'm in India, Hopefully I can recollect the journey I took to get here, because it starts about two weeks ago.
On April 28th, or so, My father realised that my passport had yet to come back from Vancouver. We had sent it in two months earlier to get my OCI visa into my current passport. When it was sent in we were assured that the process wouldn't take more than two months, so we went ahead and my trip as the same time as Chris, we were to leave two weeks after the two month mark. So a week before we leave we head to the BLS chapter in Calgary to ask what had happened to my passport. According to the lady we talked to OCI transfers take upto three months not two and it wasn't ready in time. So my father asked if there was any way we could expedite the process as I was leaving in a week. The lady said she would ask the head office in Vancouver, and let us know by the end of the day. She didn't. My dad took many trips before they took us seriously and actually called the Consulate in Vancouver. It was at this point where the Consulate agreed to expidate the passport, Hooray right? Wrong, because while the process was expeditated the actual sending of the passpport would not be expeditated. Even when my father offered to pay to overnight or actually drive to Vancouver to get it, but unfortunately for us beauracracy wins again. We were assured that the passport would come on the Monday and I was to leave on Tuesday. It didn't come and I was forced to change my flight. Oh well, C'est la vie.

One thing you don't realize when you travel with your parents is  having to constantly be aware of your passport, boarding passes, and usually the boarding passes and passports of all your family members. And for that I thank you dad. One thing I wasn't sure about was when to assert myself and when to back down. When you are asked to switch seats with someone so a family can sit together, do you? What about if it means you sit in the aisle, when you paid for a window? It's probably ok for a short flight, but do you move for a long flight like 12 hours? Oh well. Maybe my trip back will be better.

I'm also so sick, so I can't even keep my train of thought, so that'll be it for now. hopefully tomorrow will be be better. Soo sleepy I'll keep blabbing  on later. 4wtlkw;k4f4lw;4

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