Thursday 29 May 2014

Reah Goes to India: Hot and Bitter turns to Cool and Sweet

So after all the mess with changing my ticket had been sorted out, I felt lighter than air. Now that my parents understood where I was coming from the only thing to do was explain it all to my hosts. I had no idea how to go about telling them, it weighed on my mind quite heavily. I had resolved to tell them the next day, but thankfully my ammachi beat me to it. I had nothing to worry about the understood why I wanted to leave early and that it would be much better if we had planned my trip when everyone hadn't gone away. Whew a load off my mind. And would you happen to guess what happened that night. Like a sign from God, a great heavy rain fell on the burnt scorched earth and cooled the air. It was truly Providence, because it was because of the cool weather my heat rash resolved itself and my persistent chest cough and constant sneezing ceased. Even though it was only for that night, I slept soundly for the first time since my arrival. The rest of my days here have been spent exploring, lazing around, or reading the Anne of Green Gables series. Plus I got like a bunch of chocolates and have been steadily eating them to my hearts content, yumm.

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