Tuesday 13 May 2014

Reah Goes to India: A Feverish Start

I'm sweating buckets glistening more than usual right now. Because on top of the humidity and heat I have a fever. Man I wish I had the chills at least. So last night as I tossed and turned hallucinating that a war had broken out because two sides could not decide on which position I should sleep in, on my back or on my side. As my grandmother lay sleeping in the bed beside me, the Lilliputains of my mind would flip me around like a deranged circus act. Now while I still have a fever my other symptoms are getting better, so thank God for that.

Yesterday we went shopping to get some plainer kurtas to wear at the hospital. But the most amazing part was the sales-lady that helped us was the same one who helped us two years ago. And she remebered me!! Isn't that the wierdest thing ever. Not much happened yesterday, here's hoping that today is just as easy.

Gross sweat is literally coating everything I touch. Good Lord!!! 

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